
Putting the ‘human’ back in human resources


Putting the ‘human’ back in human resources

We realise that providing good HR isn’t just about processes and procedures. Whether it’s in getting teams to work better together, managing conflict or supporting employee happiness; we believe it’s vital to have a clear focus on humanity and wellbeing.

Unlocking potential

At the heart of all our training and wellbeing initiatives is a passion to unlock potential – be it via coaching, training or workshop delivery, online or face to face.

If your staff benefit, you benefit

We help to build resilience at all levels of the organisation

We get that a successful business is one that is about performance, unleashing potential and having a clear strategic direction

We are trained to support mental wellbeing and understand its importance

We love bringing tangible results

We tailor our programmes to your needs, aiming to always help you achieve your desired outcome

Delivering wellbeing in the workplace


All our corporate packages are based on our deep understanding of the significant impact wellbeing has in the workplace. We have decades of experience delivering skills enhancing workshops in this area.

We are an authorised partner of Everything DiSC and 5Behaviour, accredited trainer of NLP and Timeline Therapy™ blending decades of knowledge spent working with the employed as well as those looking for work.

This has enabled us to work successfully with both newly formed and established teams by giving participants the tools and techniques to gain a better understanding of how their contribution matters.

Julie Provino, Owner, Very HR.

We cover subjects such as:


Addressing Conflict



Develop and Mentoring for Enhanced Sales

Customer Service

We also offer individual skills workshops in:



Time Management


Conflict Management


Building Resilience

Enhancing Creativity


What it takes to be a great leader nowadays, has changed drastically. It requires skills and a deeper understanding of how to inspire, engage and bring people together under one purpose.

Through our executive and leadership coaching, team resilience programmes and our strategic overview workshops, we can help you learn the skills that will enhance you and your leadership team and empower you to become better leaders going forward.

How we make the dream a reality

We provide a bespoke, personalised service, working with you to create and implement employee wellbeing programmes and workplace initiatives across all levels.

We can also provide you with off-the-shelf programmes that can be blended to deliver a personalised programme to your organisation.

These include:

Mindfulness Workshops

Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Accredited programmes for business and coaches

DiSC and 5 Behaviour team sessions

Whatever your goals are, we will help you find the right approach. Whether you are looking to boost engagement and productivity, raise cultural awareness, increase staff energy or develop a team of current and future leaders. We will provide and implement bespoke workplace initiatives that offer long-lasting and accountable change.


Feeling like you’re stuck in a rut, living in the past or fearing the future will never yield the best results.

Through our NLP (accredited ABNLP), Hypnosis (accredited ABH), TimeLine Therapy training or coaching programmes we have the potential to transform your employees’ lives. We will help them gain perspective and see how they can increase choices, so they can achieve the best potential outcome in all areas of their lives.


Contact us for more information on public training dates or find out more here:

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